Galaxie Gazette

Have you Flown A Ford Lately?

In This
    March-April 2003    

20th Anniversary Celebration!
From the Drivers Seat
At Home With Kitchenware
by Ernest Schiro Jr.
Converting Your Galaxie From a Generator to an Alternator
By Gene Saathoff & Mark Reynolds
Celebrating 100 Years of Fords & 16 Years of Galaxies
by Lots of Folks
How can I re-apply the rubber pieces that were stapled in place in my engine compartment?
By Greg Donahue

Tech Tips
by the Members
Members' Galaxie Showcase
Carl & Candy McFarland, of Peebles Ohio and
Albert Cowling from King of Prussia, Pennsylvania

Member Profile of the 1967 Ford Galaxie 500
owned by Michael Anderson from Shoreview, Minnesota, U.S.A.
A VERY Rare Find
owned by Bob Chatterton

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